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Management of eating problems during cancer therapy

The top 3 complaints from cancer patients losing weight:

  1. Lack of appetite, hunger
  2. Taste changes, so favorite foods don’t taste right
  3. Getting full quickly, after only a few bites

Weight loss in cancer, what does it mean?

An unplanned weight loss of 5% has been linked to a worse prognosis for a cancer patient, meaning there is less chance they will overcome their disease.

Patients with weight loss received less treatment.  This was because of lower doses based on that lower weight, and to more side effects from treatment that caused their doctors to delay some of their treatments..

The bottom line was that patients with weight loss had:

  • Less response to their treatment
  • Shorter survival
  • Lower quality of life and performance status


Rapid weight loss results in:

  • Loss of muscle and strength
  • Slower wound healing and repair of tissue damage from chemotherapy and radiation
  • Poor immune function


Listen to this 70 minute audio CD to learn ways to work around the eating problems that lead to weight loss in cancer patients.

  • Lack of appetite
  • Taste changes
  • Feeling full with small volumes
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Sores in the mouth or throat, difficulties swallowing
  • Fatigue and loss of energy

Practical, easy strategies will help you eat more, find the right medications to control your symptoms and have more energy to enjoy life. Helpful advice for caregivers can avoid control battles over eating


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